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Project List


# Project Name Start End Word Project Type Amount Latest Status Progress
1 List of projects from LGSP (2016-2017 to 2021-2022) 04-09-2016 30-08-2021 ০১ হতে ০৯ পর্যন্ত lgsp 29-09-2021 বাস্তবায়িত
2 Road HB to Mojammel's house from the house of Charbunsudibpur Rakib of Ward No. 4 of Charnonupnagar U.P. 28-10-2018 15-11-2018 4 lgsp 108000 20-11-2018 বাস্তবায়িত
3 এলজিএসপি ২,৩, lgsp ৭৪৯৯০২ বাস্তবায়িত
4 Construction of CC road at Anupnagar Nompara Government Primary School ground in Ward No. 9 of Charnonupnagar U.P. 28-10-2018 15-11-2018 9 lgsp 200000 20-11-2018 বাস্তবায়িত
5 Construction of piped drain from Robi's house to Tofir's house from Anupnagar Ward No. 9 of Charnonupnagar U.P. 28-10-2018 15-11-2018 9 lgsp 100000 20-11-2018 বাস্তবায়িত
6 Construction of wall of protection wall in front of Charanunuparnagar Government Primary School under the premises of U.P. 28-10-2018 15-11-2018 02 lgsp 150000 20-11-2018 বাস্তবায়িত
7 Construction of a wall of protection wall from the house of Charnonupunagar U.P. in the 3rd house of Charnonopunagar Sharif Choukidar's house. 28-10-2018 15-11-2018 3 lgsp 100000 20-11-2018 বাস্তবায়িত
8 Construction of the wall of the road on the road of Anupnagar UPS VI of Anupnagar Road. 28-10-2018 15-11-2018 6 lgsp 100000 20-11-2018 বাস্তবায়িত
9 Protecting wall and stairs in front of the Azizul shop in Ward no 3 of Charnonupnagar U.P. 28-10-2018 15-11-2018 3 lgsp 231000 20-11-2018 বাস্তবায়িত
10 Construction of stairs ghat in front of Chorobodewabpur Akbar's house in Ward no. 5 of Charnonupnagar U.P. 28-10-2018 15-11-2018 5 lgsp 150000 20-11-2018 বাস্তবায়নাধীন
11 Distribution of sewing machines among the poor women of the area. 28-10-2018 1-9 lgsp 150000 বাস্তবায়নাধীন
12 The ceiling fan and stand fan supply in various educational institutions of Charanupunagar U.P. 28-10-2018 1-9 lgsp 100000 বাস্তবায়নাধীন